


Inside the hotel you can use an indoor pool. There is also a laundry service. For your comfort there is a concierge service. For conventions and other business meetings, the hotel offers a business centre. For guests on their honeymoon, the hotel hasInside the hotel you can use an indoor pool. There is also a laundry service. For your comfort there is a concierge service. For conventions and other business meetings, the hotel offers a business centre. For guests on their honeymoon, the hotel has special offers such as special honeymoon packages. Catering Your physical well-being is catered for by a restaurant with terrace and a 24h snackbar. Sports amp; Leisure During your holiday you can take part in aerobics courses. A sauna awaits you in the spa area. The hotel also offers massages. Let yourself be pampered in the Hamam. Additional information The hotel has a total of 211 rooms.
