


The air-conditioned, GPS-verified apart hotel APARTHOTEL G3 GALEON has a reception (check-in is possible around the clock), a lobby, Wi-Fi, internet access, a lift as well as parking spaces (limited). Furthermore, you can relax outdoors on a terrace.The air-conditioned, GPS-verified apart hotel APARTHOTEL G3 GALEON has a reception (check-in is possible around the clock), a lobby, Wi-Fi, internet access, a lift as well as parking spaces (limited). Furthermore, you can relax outdoors on a terrace. Your valuables can be stored in the hotel safe. In addition, the hotel APARTHOTEL G3 GALEON is video-monitored 24h a day. For very young guests, kids chairs can be provided). The energy supply is 220 Volts. In addition, the hotel sells tickets excursions. Pets like cats and dogs are allowed in the hotel (on request) . In your hotel, a lot of focus is placed on sustainability. This includes the provision of soap, shampoo and lotion dispensers, a central room air-conditioning and the use of a closed-water circuit. American Express and Euro/Master Card are accepted as means of payment. Due to its barrier-free facilities , such as barrier-free entrances and wheelchair accessible rooms, the hotel is also suitable for wheelchair users. Catering As catering services the hotel offers breakfast only. Sports amp; Leisure For cyclists there is a storage room. Additional information The hotel has a total of 39 rooms. This hotel is gay-friendly. The hotel staff speak English, French and Spanish.




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